In 1945, with the main objective of improving the standard of science and technology education toward the rebuilding of Japan, Nishizawa Gakuen entered the field of specialized education to foster individuals to study toward the acquisition of the national license and play an important role in the country’s major industries. Since its foundation, the institution has strived to train engineering specialists in step with the times and has developed a number of “technical experts” through the leverage of its strong connections with relevant ministries and agencies. It established a Japanese language course in 2013 based on expertise gained about 70 years, and is determined to support learners in the study of the Japanese language. This is achieved in an environment where they can experience Japanese culture and customs and grow as individuals who will work as a bridge between Japan and the rest of the world.
Class Lesson
Full-time course at different levelsGroup Lesson
Groups organized by purpose for learningPrivate Lesson
One-on-one lessons
Levels are set according to the Japanese-Language Proficiency Test.The full-time course target is to pass N1 (former Level 1) of the Japanese-Language Proficiency Test by the end of the 57-week curriculum. (25 hours per week, 9:10 to 14:50 on weekdays)
Level Targets
- Advanced
- Japanese language acquisition for:
• Attaining the level required to enter higher education institutions
• Attaining a high score on the EJU (Examination for Japanese University Admission for International Students)
• Living comfortably in Japan
• Passing N1 of the Japanese-Language Proficiency Test - Pre-intermediate
- Japanese language acquisition to support sufficient study both inside and outside the classroom
- Beginner
- Japanese language acquisition for:
• Passing N3 of the Japanese-Language Proficiency Test
• Conducting every-day conversations in Japanese
• Giving short speeches
Level Targets
時間割 | 月曜日 | 火曜日 | 水曜日 | 木曜日 | 金曜日 |
1時間目 | General Japanese Using the main textbook Learning all four skills (reading, listening, writing and speaking) |
2時間目 | |||||
3時間目 | |||||
昼休み | |||||
4時間目 | Listening comprehension |
Reading comprehension |
Writing | Conversation | Exercises |
5時間目 |
* Reading
Note: The courses above are provided full-time for 57 weeks (over 18 months). The curriculum may change without notice.
Special Class
〈Benefits for students on the 18-month course〉
[1] Commuter pass
Students on the 18-month course can purchase commuter passes for various transportation systems.
Student commuter passes are about half the price of those for workers.[2] Student discounts
Student discounts for fares can be applied for according to certain conditions.
(Pre-College Student Visa (Shugaku Visa) is not applicable.)[3] Scholarships
Japan Student Services Organization (JASSO) offers scholarships to privately financed international students.
(On College Student Visa (Ryugaku Visa): 8,300/On Pre-College Student Visa (Shugaku Visa): 700 in 2009)[4] Part-time jobs
Students on College Student Visas (Ryugaku Visas) can work up to 28 weeks per week if they obtain temporary work permission from the Immigration Office. (Up to 8 hours a day during long holidays)[5] Further education
Students who graduate from this course will take priority in enrolling in Nishizawa Gakuen’s Medical Esthetic College, as well as its Kansai TV College, Osaka Construction College, and Osaka Computer College.[6] Health-care support
Health-care support for students is provided by Nishizawa Clinic. (Full-time doctors here, including the director, are alumni of Osaka University.)
Experimental Class
Medical Check Up
Student Housing
Safe and comfortable living
Internet access available
- 株式会社サンセイ興産
- www.sansei-kosan.co.jp
Internet access available
- 司興産株式会社
- www.collegehouse-osaka.com
Osaka is the second largest city in Japan so prices are generally lower than Tokyo. It is a great city to enjoy wonderful food as well as to visit a number of interesting spots to learn about history and culture.
School Year
School year schedule
10月 | ・School year starting in October ・Medical-check-up ・New students welcoming event |
・입학식 ・오리엔테이션 ・건강진단 ・신입생 환영행사 |
・入学典礼 ・入学说明 ・健康检查 ・欢迎新生入学仪式 |
・入學典禮 ・入學說明 ・健康檢查 ・歡迎新生入學儀式 |
11月 | ・EJU (Examination for Japanese University Admission for International Students) *Only those students who apply | ・일본유학시험 (신청자에 한함) |
・日本留学试验 (仅限申请者) |
・日本留學試驗 (僅限申請者) |
12月 | ・Japanese-Language Proficiency Test *Only those students who apply ・Winter holiday |
・일본어능력시험 (신청자에 한함) ・겨울방학 |
・日语能力考试 (仅限申请者) ・寒假 |
・日本語能力考試 (僅限申請者) ・寒假 |
1月 | ・New year celebration | ・신년 경축 | ・庆贺新年 | ・慶賀新年 |
3月 | ・Spring holiday | ・봄방학 | ・春假 | ・春假 |
4月 | ・New semester | ・신학기 | ・新学期 | ・新學期 |
5月 | ・Golden Week holiday | ・골든위크 | ・黄金周假期 | ・黃金週假期 |
6月 | ・Traditional culture experience ・EJU (Examination for Japanese University Admission for International Students) #01 |
・전통문화체험 ・일본유학시험#01 |
・传统文化体验 ・日本留学试验 #01 |
・傳統文化體驗 ・日本留學試驗#01 |
7月/8月 | ・Japanese-Language Proficiency Test #01 ・Summer holiday |
・일본어능력시험#01 ・여름방학 |
・日语能力考试#01 ・暑假 |
・日本語能力考試#01 ・暑假 |
9月 | ・Classes resume ・Field trip ・Autumn holiday |
・수업 재개 ・교외 학습 ・가을방학 |
・再次开课 ・校外学习 ・秋假 |
・再次開課 ・校外學習 ・秋假 |
10月 | ・New semester ・Medical check-up |
・신학기 개강 ・건강진단 |
・新学期开学 ・健康检查 |
・新學期開學 ・健康檢查 |
11月 | ・ EJU (Examination for Japanese University Admission for International Students) #02 | ・일본유학시험#02 | ・日本留学试验#02 | ・日本留學試驗#02 |
12月 | ・Japanese-Language Proficiency Test #02 ・Winter holiday |
・일본어능력시험#02 ・겨울방학 |
・日语能力考试#02 ・寒假 |
・日本語能力考試#02 ・寒假 |
1月 | ・New year celebration ・Classes resume |
・신년 경축 ・수업 재개 |
・庆贺新年 ・再次开课 |
・慶賀新年 ・再次開課 |
2月 | ・Graduation event | ・졸업 기념 행사 | ・毕业纪念活动 | ・畢業紀念活動 |
3月 | ・Graduation presentation ・Graduation ceremony |
・졸업 발표 ・졸업식 |
・毕业发表 ・毕业典礼 |
・畢業發表 ・畢業典禮 |
Applicant Guidelines
Recruitment course
Course | Level | Capacity | Visa |
Fall 1.5 year course![]() |
Elementary level | 20 | Study abroad |